and life drags on....
its the weekend now. well friday late afternoon is "the weekend" actually. i like friday late afternoons. its that time of th eweek when u have the whole weekend to yourself..lying ahead of you..with potential so vast and unfathomable..that the mind boggles to come to terms with it. the whole of friday evening...the whole of saturday....and the whole of sunday!! it feels like eternity. im still on duty (physically that is!) but the mind has wandered off..already planning all the things i coul ddo over this weekeend. relax thewhole of todayevening. sip some wine...enjoy a bubble bath....WAIT ....thats something a girl would do! id go to the local pub..which incidentally is the roughest pub around...and go have a couple of pints with mates!! (thats better). then i woul dbet up early on saturday and make sure all the domestic chores are done. of course then put ina couple of hours of studying. before making lunch. then, a short afternoon siesta.... followed by some more intense studying. i could sneak in a movie in the evening. once do all of this over again on sunday. my god that IS efficient!!
but u just know...after 25 years of experience...after 25 years of having planned countless free weekends down to the last millisecond....that by the time u finish even planing ur weekend...sunday late evening will be upon u. u look back at ur weekend and realise that all u did do was lie around and drink beer. well u might also have mustered up enough courage to go watch a movie..but thats about it!
infinite weekends...infinite times....u would think by now i would have realised the folly of it all and come to terms with it. but no....its the same everytime.
i guess i enjoy planning weekends more than i enjoy enjoying them!! what about u?
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