The Prince of Darkness..
Sept 06, 2007- the last post on this blog. its been a long time! A lot has happened since then. I have changed fractions from the loudmouthed surgeons to the quietly-resourceful, super-intelligent, frustrated-by-the-lack-of-common-sense-among-other-specialty-colleagues radiologists. as you can see i have managed the transformation quite smoothly. i am talking-the-talk and will be walking-the-walk from september 2009. As of now i am in that wierd in-between stage when i still have to do locums in orthopaedics. oh life is complex. but a guy's gotta eat!!
Now sometimes I see myself as this hypocritical muppet who has been harping on about orthopaedics for the better part of the last 5 years- to friends, families and anything else that cant scream out in pain- only to jump the bandwagon over to radiology. I had many a alcohol- fuelled evenings when never before, for the "causality of zis" (matrix!). Was it a classical case of practicality setting in..and realizing that orthopaedics was not meant to be? or was it that radiology was always my calling..and orthopaedics was just a small detour? the answer eludes me.
Anyway, now is not the time to look back and think twice. The path is chosen.....the dye is cast!! Anyone looking for me..I'LL SEE YOU IN THE DARK ROOM!!
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