Totally harmless news, views and sneak previews about this thing thats called "life"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

the Godfather was here

He made him an offer he couldn't refuse.........
he was a struggling physician, working long nights in the hope that he would keep the wolves howling at the door at bay with red rheumy eyes and a clutch of purloined pornography. his miserable life was lightened only by the presence opf his three friends, (who, we discover to our collective satisfaction later on in the story, were the three angels that were fighting for possession of his blemished soul(without, of course, his unblemished brain....): fiddler's green, the angel maximus, and cedric.)
these three friends(one of whom had a moustache, but that's anothers story ain't it?)shielded him from the slings and arrows of outrageous f, but the Godfather was too much for even them
He was not that tall, His height only just sufficinet to carry off his massive bulk, a cool240 pounds of sinew and muscle rippling below the netted fabric of his wife beater's vest......
He spoke, with a guttural roar,the words tesre and urgent, the pithy conversation freezing on His lips as he indicated his pleasure; and woe betide anyone who would invite otherwise!
in sha allah.
so He lorded over no. 10 jawahar nagar, an alpha male orangutan swinging in the branches over khadki and beyond.
the doctor was a poor waif, in from the cold,brought, shivering and trembling, before the great vanar king. who took one look at him and smiled. His yellow canines shone dully in the torch light, and his voice, when he spoke, was forged in the distant forges of asgard, along with thor's own mjolnir: the good apothecary had no recourse but to give in, with scarce a whimper of protest.....
he was mesmerised, staring transfixed into those deep amber eyes. and He spoke, and all the birds stopped chirping. to listen, in fear , whether they had been mentioned in the carnage that was to follow.
for carnage there was. always, with blood . in great and copious amounts. always.
in sha allah.
let there be peace.


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