Picture... The jewels and the shield...War it is
Some people and societies are,by their very nature,peaceful and harmonious.These are the beings who meditate on the nature of the self, create beautiful art and architecture,and write timeless literature.They are the shining JEWELS of creation.No amount of dust and mud slung at them can obscure their intrinsic luminesence.
There are other creatures, of sloth and indolence, at whose core is the cesspool of belligerence and artifice.They are the mostly harmful feel-bads who roam our society in the garb of harmless feelgoods.
Now a time comes when the web of deceit and subterfuge spun by the above mentioned specimens becomes so strong that it becomes imperative for the peaceful bejewelled beings to arise, awake and in a swift swipe rid the good earth of these dark designs.
In every age such rakshashas trouble the good and the pious, and are ultimately dispatched by the power of virtue.
Such a war is currentle on, eagerly being witnessed by millions of fascinated onlookers. The precious family jewels of the good friend from shields have been publicaly affronted by a demon who trolls this blog. A troll who equates relaxation and beatific solitude with exploring the netherlands.
His inspiration is an adenoid facied Rasputin who held the world record for playing a pocket video game while exploring all his body orifices digitally at the same time.
The gentle people of Shields will not tolerate the JEWELS to come to harm. We shall not go silently into the night...We shall give them a tremendous fight.
The testiculo pruritic fascists will soon realize who's the boss.
Menwhile the jewels of shields shine on, bright(and unblemished)as ever
Vande Mataram