Or something like it...
Being listed as a contributor on a blog seems to me an onerous responsibility. What do I have to contribute? What can I say that is of any consequence at all? To anyone? Yet, contribute I must for that is what a contributor does, doesn't he?
So, for now, I shall, with a little help from you of course, relegate the twin issues of context and consequence to fine print and focus instead on content- random infobytes sans subtlety or context- as one precocious, and very infamous, six year old would have put it.
Over the steady whirr of the overhead fan and the largely mindless conversation of the two colleagues who share my office with me, I can hear my cranial cogs mesh and unmesh- working furiously as my mind searches for something to write. Outside my window the sun shines beatifically on all the land- or at least that land immediately within my field of vision. The breeze rustles through the trees, the birds twitter, though I can't hear them over the cogs, and the grass, I presume, grows. A few meters away, where the road passes by the boundary wall of our largeish 4-acre campus, I can just about hear a truck trundle by. I know, from experience, that trucks trundle by pretty much all day long, irrespective of the time of day, or year. Thirty minutes drive away, in Ahmedabad, my girlfriend is probably thinking of me. Or probably not. Neither possibility is entirely discountable. A couple of thousand kilometers away, in Kashmir (PO and otherwise) dead people rot and the living fester. Or is it the other way around? Even further away nations continue to fight over petty differences, much like the petty people populating them. Ethnic cleansing, female foeticide, child abuse- a prime-time channel for every peoples. This one gets stoned. That one gets sloshed. Someone else takes one hit too many and cops it (all the better, I say). Souls arrive, souls depart. Flux being the only constant.
Life (or what passes for it), in short, goes on. And provides me with the opportunity to publish a few hundred words to a web page that will be read by few, spammed by many and understood by 'most no one. But then that is a matter for the context police to worry about.
Me- I don't worry.